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//include_once "/etc/httpd/htdocs/"; ?>
Pics 2,3 - Night Time Course Grooming.
Pics 4,5,6,7,8 - Workers start before sunrise getting the course ready.
Pics 9,10 - Almost Ready.
Pics 12,13 - Teammates test different waxes to see which is faster for today's snow conditions.
Pic 14 - Rifles are inspected before the race starts.
Pics 15,16 - Rifles are sighted in and warm up begins.
Pics 17,18 - People start lining up to get a seat.
Pic 19 - Media room where tv and radio will be sent out.
Pic 20 - Part of the 75 shooting range volunteers.
include_once "/etc/httpd/htdocs/"; ?>